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The Eyes of Texas by Lance Kennedy

— feeling sleepy
The Eyes of Texas: The Secret Society That Controls the University of Texas at Austin - Lance Kennedy, Nam Nguyen, Abhinav Kumar

A secret organization that became known as the Eyes of Texas gained power in the 1970s over the student government of the University of Texas at Austin. Behind the scenes, they worked for years to promote the university’s initiatives and not the student government’s initiatives. This is a detailed look into that history and how this secret organization was forced out into the light.

On one hand I applaud the level of detailed information that went into this book. On the other hand, I think this book will appeal to only a small group of people. If you are really, really into secret societies or manipulation of large groups of people via shadow groups, then this is perfect for you. Also, I think fiction writers who are researching real secret societies would find this useful. As someone who was just looking for a book get away for a few hours, I found this book a bit tedious. It reads more like a lengthy legal document then a true tale packed with action and deceit.

This book also includes various excerpts (and sometimes who documents) from school emails, local news coverage, and communiques between the school government and the board that oversees the university. If you are researching this subject, then this book is an excellent reference work. If you are looking for some interesting, yet educational, light reading, then this probably isn’t the book for you. For myself, I often found my mind drifting while listening to this book. The same issues were brought up again and again as the book stayed true in detail to how issues and events were dealt with. However, for me, this became rather tedious. Still, if I ever need to research secret societies or the politics of large universities, I will be turning to this book for info.

I received a copy of this audiobook at no charge via the narrator in exchange for an honest review.

The Narration: Jack Chekijian did pretty well, though there wasn’t much need to vary his voice. When there was an email exchange, he did provide character voices. However, most of the book was delivered in a straight forward, newsreporter-like voice.